Red roses are, and probably always will be, the signature stem for Valentine's Day. And that's a good thing because, like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, there are some traditions you just don't mess with.
However, there is a big bad world of gorgeous flowers out there -- many that come in the pink and red varieties -- that would be great choices should you so desire to reinvent the wheel this year when buying a bunch for that special someone, or decorating your sweetheart dinner table.
And to sweeten the day for you, we invite you to submit pictures of your creations to us for a chance to win a copy of JG's book "Party Like a Rock Star."
(See details at the end of this post)
Some great blooms to throw in the mix are:
Red Parrot Tulips
The orchids would pair very well with some stunning Black Magic (aka Black Beauty) or Black Bacarra roses, if you are looking to blend some old with the new. It's a good way to get creative and mix it up.

You might want to consider adding peach and green hues to any of these arrangements for an extra special touch.
So there you have it. Take it and run with it.
Let us know what you come up with and send us pictures at jill@jesgordon.com by Wednesday, Feb. 16. We will announce a winner on Friday, February 18.
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