As the weather gets warmer, the boots come off and the scarfs unravel. Temperatures above 65 allow those of us in New York to spend time outside of our tiny apartments or stale offices without freezing our cojones off. A walk to work, school, or play becomes even more pleasant as we soak up warm rays and increase our vitamin D! This is the perfect time to find some grass, a tree, or a patch of flowers and enjoy what little nature we have in the city. Parks arks are a great way to take a break from the busy event production and design lifestyle and gain inspiration. Several parks in New York CIty are favorites in our office.
Jes loves the Highline on Manhattan's west side. This elevated park, once the home of trains, was abandoned over 20 years ago. It has been revitalized and given an entirely different purpose filled with wildflowers, benches, and beautiful design. Visitors to the Highline float almost 3 stories above the busy streets of New York while appreciating some rare open space as well as the architecture and views from the unique vantage point. The Highline runs between 10th and 11th Avenues from Gavensevort Street in the Meatpacking District to 34th Street with multiple access points - check their website: for more information. Jes walks this park almost everyday, watching the transformation of the plants and flowers while taking in the views.
Arthur enjoys the Conservatory and Shakespeare Garden in Central Park. The Central Park Conservatory has three distinct types of formal gardens within--English, French, and Italian--and can be accessed from the Vanderbilt gate on 5th Avenue between 104th and 105th Streets. The formal garden has concentric rings of hedges and plants, and a large grassy opening that leads to a pool and fountain. "The Conservatory Garden is an officially designated Quiet Zone and offers a calm and colorful setting for a leisurely stroll, and intimate wedding, or an escape with a good book." The Shakespeare Garden in Central Park is much more quaint and organic. This four-acre oasis has rustic benches made of logs and tree branches and windy paths of slate. The garden features overflowing displays of plants and flowers that Shakespeare referenced in his poems and plays.

All three parks are a wonderful places to take some time out during lunch or on the weekend and get away from the noisy, bustling city. Some other favorite parks that are a little more removed include Fort Tryon Park in Inwood, and both the Brooklyn and NY Botanical Gardens. They may involve a little bit more of a hike, but it is definitely worth it!
Roll up your sleeves, download your favorite book, and find some green - enjoy spring in the city!
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