Prowling the offices of jesGORDON by day, living like kings by night we’re the watchdogs of all things fun. We’ve seen our owners throw some fabulous soirees, but it’s time we come out of the shadows, because we can’t deny that we party like Rock Stars too. So we hope your in the mood for something fabulous, because its raining Ruckus and Romeo in the office today and we’re going to share our tips on how to Rock Out your next canine celebration.
Diva Dog Entertainment
It’s the question in the back of every pooch-party-planner’s mind: How do I keep these fabulous dogs happy? We have a few ideas that’ll keep any pooches pleased throughout an evening.
What dog doesn’t like the limelight? Set up your own step and repeat with a red carpet and background that reflects your party’s theme. The photos can be given away as favors too!

Goodie Box
Fill a basket with tug-o-war ropes, balls and squeezers. Stuffed Kongs are always a hit too. Try filling them with treats and cheese. If you’re outdoors peanut butter is great too.

Let Them Eat Cake
Canine chow is a fundamental aspect of any pooch party. If you have a dog bakery in the area stop by to check out your options, but if you prefer to stick to homemade snack, try a Peanut Butter Carrot Cake:
1 Cup whole wheat unbleached flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 Cup peanut butter
1/4 Cup vegetable oil
1 Cup shredded carrots
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 Cup honey
1 egg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Sift the flour and baking soda, mix in the rest of the ingredients. Spray two 4-inch cake pans with oil and divide half of the batter into each pan.
Bake the cake for 12-15 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool the cake on a cookie rack.

Ruckus and Romeo
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